Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving....

Joyeux Jour de Remericements!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Soeur Gunn and I had a delightful little thanksgiving. We ordered a pizza, made some stuffing, age some lychees and had a dessert of cookies. We called it our rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pies hahaha. Twas not quite the same, but still fun :)

First of all, me and Soeur Gunn are staying in Bourail! Ehich means Christmas, my birthday and New Year's with someone I know and love in a secteur I know and live. Blessings! Hahahaa it will be a slightly isolated holiday season, but nevertheless. We are pscyed to have the Christmas spirit all month long and share it with these people!

God is so kind and He gave us a little pre-Thanksgiving present. Around 10:00 on Wednesday night I was sitting journaling when I look up and see tins thing the size of a hamburger scurrying across the ceiling. It was a SPIDER. No JOKE the size of my HAND. Ok if anyone knows me they know that spiders are my thing. They're my one big thing that I CANNOT do. I cannot. And suddenly there was an enormous one in our apartment in the middle of the night with no one close by to help us. Oh. And if that's mot enough, it had a GIANT EGGSAC under it. UNREAL.  Me and Soeur Gunn spent a solid 2 hours chasing it around our house trying to catch it cause we didn't want the smash the eggsac and have millions of baby spiders crawling around our house. Well finally around midnight we were exhausted and so tired of this evil thing so we just smashed it. And all the babies went running and then we had to smash them all too. It was horrific. And terrifying. And stinking hilarious. Hahahahahahahaha God must have been laughing so hard. Grateful for dead spiders.

Walked 30 minutes to a less actives house in the pouring rain. Then he was asleep so he didn't want to hear a message. Hash's so we walked back in the pouring rain..hahaha it was pretty fun

I have now officially read the entire Livre de Mormon en francais. Highlighted and all. And what a glorious book it is. What a blessed experience to read it in another language that I know the Lord has chosen for me to learn and know. My project for December is to now read the whole Book of Mormon in English. I'm going to try to make it my birthday gift to Christ.

Got to give a talk on Sunday. I felt impressed to talk about the family. I read the Family Proclamation to the World. I testified of the family. Satan is attacking the family so hard. He knows how precious it is. I know that it is only through the light and love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that our families can stay united and protected from all of life's tempests. How blessed I feel to have been raised in, and to continue to be taught and uplifted, by a family of faith and love and laughter. I do so love them.

With all my love! May your days be merry and bright! How grateful I am for each of you and how you have touched my life personally.

Soeur Evans

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